Monday, August 20, 2007

Aftermath of CF10

To everyone, " Thank you for coming home for the reunion" - taikacher

212 people came back for CF 1oth Anniversary Reunion which was held in Mahkota Hotel Malacca. From the pioneers to the present alphas - 10 batches of faithful Christians came back for an awesome time of fellowship and celebrating God's goodness.

Continue to check this blog for more photos and feed back ...

1) photo album by Josephine
2) photo album by Janet
3) photo album by Dr Ian/Daniel Wong

To order the magazine (RM25), please contact the following people.

Southern Region and Melaka
1) Louis Chou 0164674487 (CF Malacca)
2) Pastor Joanne 0162066804

Central Region
1) Kevin Koay
2) Audrey (CF Cyberjaya)

Northern Region
1) Bob

or send your order and mailing address to :


Jo said...

Coolness.....i was just going to drop a mail to admin to link to my photo album, but i already saw it here.... *respect*

photo not so nice taken indoor and couldn't cover everyone...hehe paiseh...

CF 10th Anniversary said...

Thanks for the photos, Josephine. I have done the link...


Ian said...

Dr. Ian's photos
Dwong's photos

Unknown said...

Heys, here are the photos from Jian Wei's camera. Cheers~*

Anonymous said...

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